Tag Archives: getting

Six Pack Abs – the Big Picture

The point of this article is to help you grasp the big picture of getting six pack abs. In short, to get six pack abs, you need to get leaner and develop your abs’ musculature. This is done through training and nutrition. The topic of nutrition is covered extensively elsewhere on the net: I won’t…

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Six Pack Abs – Abdominal Exercise Equipment

Six pack abs are desired by almost everybody. Getting those washboard abs are becoming a necessity because of long and convincing infomercials that we see a lot. There are numerous abdominal exercise equipment in the market nowadays like abdominal belts, abs-rockers, abs-lounges and many more. When choosing for the correct equipment you would need to…

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Are You Committed?

Commitment is a fairly loaded word. Ask around in enough places and you will find that commitment is required from so many different people in so many different situations. It is a quality desired in, and missing from, men in a relationship. It is also demanded of employees under contract to a company. Commitment requires…

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